Promotion and Adjustment of Trained Graduate/Post-Graduate Teachers as Masters
Reference: Office Order No. 305-DSEK of 2024, dated 06.12.2024, issued under endorsement No. DSEK/Estt-III/A/1756-72, dated 06.12.2024.
Order No: 26-(DSEK) OF 2025
Dated: 03-02-2025
In accordance with the decision taken by the Divisional Departmental Promotion Committee in its meeting held on 23.11.2024, a total of 372 trained graduate/post-graduate teachers were promoted/confirmed as Masters in Pay Level 6E (₹35,900-₹1,13,500) with effect from 06.07.2024 on a notional basis, with monetary benefits applicable from the date they physically assume the post. This promotion was formalized under the aforementioned reference order, along with Order No. 271-DSEK of 2024, dated 11.11.2024, issued under endorsement No. DSEK/Estt-III/A/1588-1606, dated 11.11.2024.
However, it has been noted that four (04) of the promoted teachers have either reached the age of superannuation or have passed away. As a result, the number of remaining promotes stands at 368, whose adjustments against available vacant posts of Masters are now being considered.
Sanction is hereby accorded for the adjustment of 368 promotees as Masters against the designated posts as listed in Annexures A to J of this order, under the following terms and conditions:
Terms and Conditions:
- Verification of Service Records:
The Chief Education Officer (CEO) of the respective district must verify the particulars of each promoted official against their original service records, appointment orders, regularization orders, and promotion orders.
Any discrepancies found should be immediately reported to this Directorate for further instructions. No official shall avail the promotion benefits until such discrepancies are clarified.
- Verification of Educational Qualifications:
Before implementing this order, CEOs must confirm the authenticity of the qualification and degree certificates of the promoted officials.
If any qualification or degree was obtained during service, prior permission from the competent authority must have been secured, as per relevant circulars, orders, or notifications.
- Legal Compliance:
This promotion is subject to the outcome of any pending Writ Petitions before the Competent Court of Law, of which this Directorate may not be immediately aware.
By order of the Directorate.